✍️ Interesting Blogs#


This page is continuously updated; it’s publication date reflects the last time changes were made.

Here you’ll find links to content written by people that I’ve found valuable over the years.

🔗 https://a16z.com/

🔗 https://guzey.com

🔗 http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/

🔗 https://calnewport.com/blog/

🔗 http://fs.blog

🔗 https://gwern.net

🔗 https://martinfowler.com/

🔗 https://blog.nelhage.com/

🔗 http://www.paulgraham.com/articles.html

🔗 https://stratechery.com/

🔗 https://waitbutwhy.com/

🔗 https://www.corelan.be/index.php/articles

🔗 https://blog.g0tmi1k.com

🔗 https://blog.didierstevens.com

🔗 https://portswigger.net/blog

🔗 https://blog.talosintelligence.com

🔗 https://www.skullsecurity.org/