Posts tagged gitlab

πŸ“¦ Multiple Git Configurations and Identities with Folder-Dependent Includes for GitLab, GitHub et al

People, shout out to some of my friends and collegues, like to configure their development environments in a myriad of ways. Even setting one’s Git author identity, a seemingly boring and mundane task, is sometimes approached in the most creative ways. This, of course, includes not only configuring git, the tool itself, but also any relevant repositories as well as the platforms where those eventually end up hosted. In this brief tutorial I show how to properly handle multiple identities and configurations as well as how to manage Git projects which might be spread throughout multiple Git backends.

Please beware this tutorial will likely only be relevant or interesting to you if you already have some experience with Git, otherwise this sort of setup may feel like unnecessary or overly complicated. In case you are new to Git, I highly recommend you go through Git for Beginners: Zero to Hero πŸ™ and also have a look at Git Cheatsheet: Commands, Tips and Tricks πŸ“.


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🦊 Create GitLab Projects for Directory List via API

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Git LFS Usage on GitLab Repositories

In newer GitLab versions LFS Storage needs to be specifically enabled for projects; you can achieve this in the settings of your project [1].

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