Posts tagged troubleshooting

🔒 Accessing git Servers Over Another Port When 22 is Blocked and Cloning Hangs Waiting for Connection

It’s been awhile since I’ve setup my last work system a year back, so this past month I’ve gone through the usual pains of preparing a new machine. One of those pains was realizing some network segments at one of the libraries I am a regular at have port 22 blocked at an internal boundary. Without falling into discussions about how useful such a thing is from a defensive security point of view, I wanted to share a trick not many folks know of. It turns out that, precisely for those situations, all renowned Git hosting providers offer access to their Git service via an alternative port: 443.

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RTF(M|L): Error Installing Ruby 3.3.1 via asdf on MacOS Due to Missing libyaml

This is the first in a rapid-fire series of howto posts regarding MacOS development environments and common blockers people face when setting them up. It should also serve as your daily reminder to Read the Freaking Manual|Logs[1]! As for Ruby, I needed to set up Ruby 3.3.1 for a new customer engagement. As usual, I started setting it up via asdf-vm; see 🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments for the reasoning behind doing so and my view on language runtime management.

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Fix runtimeerror: no .dist-info has pip in broken pipenv installs and virtualenv wheels

As mentioned in ❌ RuntimeError: no .dist-info at ... has pip for pipenv install managed via asdf-vm, I was initially confronted with issue some weeks ago but could attribute and fix the problem to asdf misbehaving. The issue, however, resurfaced and that was no longer the case. To my surprise, asdf seemed to be behaving as expected and was therefore of no relevance to the problem I was observing:

If you are experiencing this problem and do not use asdf, this post might be of help as I managed to further narrow down its root cause.

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❌ RuntimeError: no .dist-info at ... has pip for pipenv install managed via asdf-vm1

ℹ️ Several folks who are not using asdf-vm but are facing similar issues have asked me for advice, I’ve detailed how you can troubleshoot and fix this issue on Fix runtimeerror: no .dist-info has pip in broken pipenv installs and virtualenv wheels.

Having said that, I’ve mentioned in several occasions that pipenv is my virtual environment manager of choice in Python projects and that I use it in tandem with asdf-vm[1], which allows me to seemlesly switch between Python versions depending on the project I’m working on. However, after updating one of my Ubuntu test systems (20.04.6 LTS) and installing a couple of Python versions via asdf-vm, pipenv suddenly stopped working. In this brief HOWTO I hope to provide a couple of hints as to how you may debug and ultimately fix a PipEnv installation which finds itself in a weird state.

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Fixing ❌ “Poetry configuration is invalid” Errors in GitHub Actions

Last Sunday I decided to try and understand the Sphinx codebase better after playing around with Jupyter Book and experiencing issue#1414. After falling down the codebase review rabbit hole I felt like fixing the bug itself was worthwhile. Eventually, fixing the issue proved to be easier than understanding where and what to fix or how to get the GitHub actions maze of checks to properly pass.

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