Posted in 2024
🔒 Accessing git Servers Over Another Port When 22 is Blocked and Cloning Hangs Waiting for Connection
- 27 May 2024
It’s been awhile since I’ve setup my last work system a year back, so this past month I’ve gone through the usual pains of preparing a new machine. One of those pains was realizing some network segments at one of the libraries I am a regular at have port 22
blocked at an internal boundary. Without falling into discussions about how useful such a thing is from a defensive security point of view, I wanted to share a trick not many folks know of. It turns out that, precisely for those situations, all renowned Git hosting providers offer access to their Git service via an alternative port: 443

RTF(M|L): Error Installing Ruby 3.3.1 via asdf on MacOS Due to Missing libyaml
- 26 May 2024
This is the first in a rapid-fire series of howto
posts regarding MacOS development environments and common blockers people face when setting them up. It should also serve as your daily reminder to Read the Freaking Manual|Logs
[1]! As for Ruby, I needed to set up Ruby 3.3.1
for a new customer engagement. As usual, I started setting it up via asdf-vm
; see 🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments for the reasoning behind doing so and my view on language runtime management.

🔢 Are Two N-Dimensional Real Subspaces Equal If They Have The Same Dimensions?
- 25 May 2024
The topic of vector spaces and subspaces came up during a conversation with a dear friend and I could not resist reminiscing the past. They were studying for an upcoming test and I wanted to try and reinforce their intuition in some areas through a couple of examples and counter-examples.
💡 Favorite Concepts and Ideas
- 18 May 2024
Here you’ll find concepts I found valuable, identify with or want to read and write more about in the future.
✍️ Interesting Blogs
- 18 May 2024
This page is continuously updated; it’s publication date reflects the last time changes were made.
📝 Emulating Semgrep SAST Pro Taint Mode with Join Mode
- 17 May 2024
Semgrep’s Join Mode[1] is a seldom discussed yet interesting experimental feature of the Semgrep OSS SAST engine which can be used to achieve rudimentary taint interprocedural and interfile analyses. In this snippet I document how to combine one search mode and two join mode rules in order to identify intrafile, intraprocedural, interfile and interprocedural tainted sinks.
🥋 Codewars: Opposites Attract
- 05 May 2024
Some members from came up with the idea for us to practise and discuss some code katas together and I couldn’t resist.
🧪 Snippet: General Publishing Test
- 04 May 2024
In the best spirit of over-engineering for fun, this minimalistic post documents the way my snippets land over at jdsalaro/
Voces: distantes caricias 🔖
- 24 April 2024
Bastante se ha escrito sobre la experiencia y tribulaciones del migrante, sin embargo poco se habla sobre aquello que le permite mantenerse incólume y continuar su curso. Éste poema es un recordatorio precisamente de aquellas voces lejanas, voces que actuan como frazadas en las tormentas de la vida lejos de casa.

🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments
- 21 April 2024
Almost everyone I know who uses a computer, for fun or work, is overtaken by a slight nervousness when installing a new library, package, service or application on their operating system. The horror stories underpinning these reservations vary slightly between Linux, Unix, Windows and MacOS users, but everyone knows, regardless of preferred ecosystem, that installing software can do a number on their computer and the task should not be taken lightly. Especially for programmers, that struggle is no stranger. Therefore, any tool looking to simplify this task and eliminate potential points of failure is, in my book, a very welcome occurrence.

📚 Favorite Books
- 13 April 2024
These are books I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and have affected the way I see the world.
🤝 Initiatives and Organizations Supporting Open Source
- 07 April 2024
This page is continuously updated; it’s publication date reflects the last time changes were made.
🚨 On the XZ Utils Backdoor (CVE-2024-3094): FOSS Delivered on its Pitfalls and Strengths
- 31 March 2024
The newly discovered backdoor[1] in the XZ Utils
package[2] affecting numerous Linux distributions[3] and assigned CVE-2024-3094
[4] is being dismissed by some members of the technology and security communities as yet another supply chain attack; relevant only because of how blatant it was and that it affected the Open Source ecosystem but in essence nothing out of the ordinary. Regardless of whether this perspective is gaining traction due to cynicism, as hyperbole for clicks or as a coping mechanism, I vehemently disagree with that stance.

🌱 Main Information Sources and Entertainment
- 10 February 2024
These are resources I enjoy and sporadically review to get an idea for what’s going on out there. I don’t watch cable news and consume the content listed here and elsewhere slowly and sporadically.
📦 Free Asset Aggregators
- 14 January 2024
Here you’ll find links to some content aggregators I’ve used and continue to use.