Posts tagged workspace customization
📦 Multiple Git Configurations and Identities with Folder-Dependent Includes for GitLab, GitHub et al
- 14 November 2023
People, shout out to some of my friends and collegues, like to configure their development environments in a myriad of ways. Even setting one’s Git author identity, a seemingly boring and mundane task, is sometimes approached in the most creative ways. This, of course, includes not only configuring git
, the tool itself, but also any relevant repositories as well as the platforms where those eventually end up hosted. In this brief tutorial I show how to properly handle multiple identities and configurations as well as how to manage Git projects which might be spread throughout multiple Git backends.
Please beware this tutorial will likely only be relevant or interesting to you if you already have some experience with Git, otherwise this sort of setup may feel like unnecessary or overly complicated. In case you are new to Git, I highly recommend you go through Git for Beginners: Zero to Hero 🐙 and also have a look at Git Cheatsheet: Commands, Tips and Tricks 📝.

🖋 A Look into Aptos, Microsoft’s New Default Font
- 14 July 2023
icrosoft has been planning a design revamp when it comes to the typography of their whole Office product line; and probably beyond that. They have worked on selecting their new default font for quite a bit[1]. The finalists among which the successor to the familiar Calibri typeface[2] was to be chosen were long known: Bierstadt, Grandview, Seaford, Skeena, and Tenorite. The decision, however, hadn’t been made and apparently no winner was yet selected nor known. That all changed today, though, as The Verge has reported [3].

🎭 Best Fonts for Programming
- 30 June 2023
It seems like there’s never enough time to be really passionate about aesthetics, so that’s why when the opportunity presents itself I just roll with it and indulge that inclination. This post is the result of one such opportunity.
Seeing as many of us spend a considerable amount of time in front of some sort of computing device, which is specially true for those of us who program, I wanted to put the list of my favorite programming typefaces out there for your enjoyment.

How to Add 👉 👈 Padding to the Ubuntu Gnome Terminal
- 29 June 2023
I often make screen captures of terminal outputs while documenting my work or helping colleagues and was always bothered when its contents were too close to the left border.
Adding padding to the gnome terminal on Ubuntu, and likely any distribution using Gnome, is trivial, as it suffices to edit ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

Wrist-friendly Git Shortcuts and Aliases #️⃣
- 21 June 2023
Things tend to get repetitive with git after you start consistently using it. Of course, it’s still an irreplaceable tool, but that doesn’t mean we cannot try to abide by DVORAK principles and minimize the distance our fingers travel on the keyboard.
As past and current colleagues can attest, I’m a serial keyboard customizer and shortcut afficionado, so my suggestion to give git console aliases a try should not come as a surprise.