Posts tagged resilience
Voces: distantes caricias 🔖
- 24 April 2024
Bastante se ha escrito sobre la experiencia y tribulaciones del migrante, sin embargo poco se habla sobre aquello que le permite mantenerse incólume y continuar su curso. Éste poema es un recordatorio precisamente de aquellas voces lejanas, voces que actuan como frazadas en las tormentas de la vida lejos de casa.

Excellent Quotes from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations
- 28 September 2023
While on a military campaign which started in 170 and ended in 180, Marcus Aurelius[1] wrote his Meditations in Greek for his own guidance and self-development. The original title of the work, if it had one, is unknown. ‘Meditations’ – as well as other titles including ‘To Himself’ – were adopted later. He had a logical mind, and his notes were representative of Stoic philosophy and spirituality.
Benjamin Franklin on the Tension between Liberty, Virtue, Safety, Wealth and Power
- 28 September 2023
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Epictetus: Decide, Do, Become
- 17 August 2018
In the third volume, chapter XXIII §1, of his discourses compiled by Arrian[1], Epictetus[2] gives his advice “to those who read and discuss for the purpose of display”.